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A Ray of hope

Written during December 2023 winter break

A ray of hope
A ray of hope

In the cold dreaded winter
I asked those whom I thought I could trust for shelter
But they mocked me and threw me out

My friendships had begun to rust
I didn’t know who or who not to trust
But I knew I had to leave that hostile town

I limped painlessly across the cold heartless snow
Never before In my life did everyone throw me so low
But I knew I just had to survive and live to see tomorrow

With each step I took, the colder and brutal the snowfall
And louder and louder became the predatory wolf call
Finally, I stopped exhausted, and rested against a tree stump

“Was I to die tonight ?”
I asked myself as my fingers slowly succumbed to frostbite
While I heard the wolves draw nearer and nearer

I said to myself “Was I to become wolf food”
Well gallows humour always does uplift one’s mood
In the end, my heavy eyelids closed and I fell to sleep

The golden sunrays had melted away the cold bitter night
And the whole forest was filled with a warm heavenly light
I woke up and my body felt revived and energized

A wolf pack had gathered around me
And every wolf slept peacefully
Afraid, I tried to silently get out of this sticky situation

But I froze as the wolf leader looked at me with his steel-grey eyes
But with a bit of bravado, I looked back at it with my own eyes
And he understood my suffering and let me go

So I decided to continue my journey southward
With a little bit more hope

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