

The lost faith

Written by Aarush

The lost faith
The lost faith

Gone are the traditions written in stone
They have been crumbled by the storm of the desert
Broken and torn down over time
The followers couldn’t save it from a changing world

The followers of old have withered to a bone
So who today knows of the wisdom of joy and effort
Today, the elders see a generation steeped in history and crime
But the present sees a new era of faith unfurl

So they rewrite the ways of the old
And see if the new ideas of religion can be sold
Some parts stick to the masses
But most parts of old religions simply passes

Alas the the present becomes a fleeting past
For time doesn’t wait and just flows too fast
Religion changes by the dawn of the moon and the change of the day
It brings in equal parts pain and joy to people in its sway
Gods changes but the people stay

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