

OMI and Prefecture

Medical examination

Center of Paris
Center of Paris

After conquering jetlag, I headed to OMI for my medical visit the next morning, which went smoothly. I decided to try the Metro for the first time (Parlez-vous Anglais) and, surprisingly, it worked like a charm. By the way, this medical visit is mandatory before anyone starts working in France.

However, the euphoria was short-lived as we arrived at the Cité Police Prefecture, a massive old building in front of Notre Dame in central Paris. This serves as the headquarters for all civilian work, resulting in long queues. Here, communication is strictly in French, and people seem least bothered about understanding anything other than that.

“Office des migrations internationales” (OMI) — health control and medical assistance for people who are migrants to France and their families. Without the medical certificate i could not start working … all these sound so strange for someone coming from a complete open market driven economy and society.

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