

Heat wave of August

summer heat

Summer Heat - Picture by Reuters
Summer Heat - Picture by Reuters

Oh! summer, it reached 40 degree cel. or 100+ F this week at Paris.The global pollution is taking its effect may be? 20 years back it used to snow a lot in Paris but now it does not snow any more. The houses, metro’s are not designed for this kind of hot weather which makes it more unbearable. We are surviving with Pedestal Fan but it is still far from a rain. The heat wave is going to be there for another 10 days atleast from now. Not only this, here power failure is also there.We too faced the same, one fine evening it went off around 9.30pm & came back at morning 2.30am.

From BBC website - More than 11,000 people died as a result of the intense summer heat in France - two weeks after their deaths around 400 people were unclaimed mostly elderly people leaving alone.

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