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Orsay revisited

only one museum I can spent a lifetime

The Bedroom -- Vincent van Gogh, Arles - France, October 1888
The Bedroom -- Vincent van Gogh, Arles - France, October 1888

To my greatest surprise I found failure in implementing a perfect backup system for my digital images. Somehow I lost all the pictures from Orsay museum. May be I just deleted them(by mistake)!!! Yes I know the trouble of digital memories they are very easy to capture but most difficult to save. There are lists of problem that can happen to your golden past; starting with the media card to Hard Drive not to mention virus problems or accidental deletion of files

My current system is far from perfect I have one copy on my computer and other in external USB drive. That way I am insured from virus and hard-drive failure but may be I should make DVD(s) and keep it in a separate place. Working for IT is making me so paranoid with backups but I know few people who lost their digital pictures just thinking nothing wrong will happen to them.

Well enough of bragging, I think it was a small and good lesson and great reason to go back again to Orsay. Being there I just forgot all those anxiety of living in Paris small apartment and trouble it poses from carrier to saving for future or just picking up the language and be able to communicate properly in French. On humorous side if French economy does not recover and keeps declining then some dark day they can lease some of these masterpieces to new emerging economies of East to make some money.

This time there was temporary exhibition from Russia which was worth to explore the paintings from mid-19th century to 1917 ; most of the paintings and objects are from National Museum of Moscow and St. Petersburgs .

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