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Mera Bharat Jawaan

A description of cover image.

Another amusing advertisement that caught my attention is “Budda Hoga Tera Baap”, which can be taken as a soft or hard slang depending on your perspective, translating to “Maybe your father is old.” The new TV series is named “Mera Bharat Jaawan”, which translates to “My India is Young.” With one-fourth of the population under the age of 25, India definitely boasts a young demographic.

P.S - In the last two months, I have changed the theme for the WordPress blog at least four times. It has resulted in either a broken site or broken functionality. I am very pleased to see some recent comments on our website. It really boosts morale to keep posting pictures, thoughts, and experiences. In the coming weeks, I plan to give a new look to the front page as we are no longer staying in Paris and update Pamela’s corner as well. Cheers!