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A Letter to Aarush

A description of cover image.

Hello Aarush,

Today, you turn four months old. Although it might not be a remarkable milestone for many, for me, it feels like it’s been days since we last met. I hope you’re fit as a fiddle.

Your mom shared that your vision is becoming more focused, and you’re attempting to grasp objects, batting and swiping at dangling toys. It seems like you’re ready to rock and roll, as you’ve started taking side turns with squirms, giggles, and wails. You respond to your nani (granny) and aunt with big toothless smiles, coos, and happy noises. Do you still find comfort in soothing yourself by sucking your fingers? And do you bicycle your legs and wave your arms when placed on your back with jerky movements?

I hope your head and neck muscles are getting stronger, allowing you to lift your head to look around. I understand that these muscles still need support, so we must be careful to guard your head and neck while lifting and holding you.

Enjoy your time with your aunt and two elder cousin sisters. But, don’t get too spoiled with all the love, care, and attention.

My darling, it seems that, despite all the care and love, you’re not progressing as recommended by the doctor. I want you to know that I am not worried as long as you are happy and at ease.

Sorry, my child, I miss you a lot and hope to see you soon. You are always in my heart and on my mind.

Loving you, Your DADA

P.S. - For others please check Aarush new pictures

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