Seeing one of friend’s photographs we were so excited to visit that place. That, in our last trip to Amsterdam (May 2003) we tried to visit that - but alas! Local people told us that Tulip season is already over. But deep down in our heart we wanted to visit that place particularly Keukenhof thinking -maybe next year.
Then we were in touch with Holland tourism in-order to know more about Keukenhof. We tried twice, booking with a travel agency as it would have been economic & hassle free for us compared to self-trip- but no luck. Luck at last smiled on us when Krovi & Vidya asked us to join them to Keukenhof.
We started on April 3rd and reached around late afternoon after 5hrs of driving. Roads to Keukenhof park being well marked in town of Lisse (very close to Amsterdam) we didn?t had any problem to reach there.
No other flower heralds spring like a tulip, especially after months of dreary, not to mention cold and bleak, weather. Like a river of clear, cool water on a hot summer day, our mind’s eye feasts on the color and shape of tulips in early spring. Millions of tulips and other bulb flowers are then in bloom. As soon as we entered the park there were too many flowers other then Tulip to catch our attention. It was really magnificent view & worth going.
After spending 3- 4hrs.at Keukenhof garden we went to Amsterdam where we spent that evening & Sunday there.