To create a banner with mirror effect with ImageMagick
- Please install the right package for your system from ImageMagick.
convert -size 600x130 xc:transparent -font forte -pointsize 72 -fill "\#cccccc" -annotate 0x180+12+80 "Pamela's Gallery" -gaussian 0x2 -stroke black -strokewidth 1 -fill "\#ff3600" -stroke black strokewidth 1 -annotate 0x0+12+55 "Pamela's Gallery" -draw "line 0,68 570,68" banner.png
Update 2024
In 10 years the top command did not work on my Windws 11 system ;
But it only required only one change that was Gaussian blur option.
"c:\Program Files\ImageMagick-7.1.1-Q16-HDRI\magick.exe" -size 1080x130 xc:transparent -font arial -pointsize 72 -fill "\#cccccc" -annotate 0x180+12+80 "Still Rocking in 2024" -gaussian-blur 0x2 -stroke black -strokewidth 1 -fill "\#ff3600" -stroke black -strokewidth 1 -annotate 0x0+12+55 "Still Rocking in 2024" -draw "line 0,68 570,68" banner-2024.png
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