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Thank God its Friday

Another weekend

A description of cover image.

It has been a while I wrote any post. Well, after quite a long time I met with Tapas a good old friend from Bay Area. The meeting was short while having dinner at our place; got some updates on other friends in Bay Area.

Yesterday, was last French class before 2 week vacations so we went out for drinks after the class. I never had this kind of social events where you have to speak in French and you are not ashamed of your mistakes. It was good as all others did not started conversing in English though the french language was butchered like anything. It was fun; returned home late night :( . Well, need to finish lots of homeworks and revise the course now or chance of passing the exam is bleak.

The big reason for writing today is about the comment I got - if I am selling my TIBX shoe laces or not? Well the whole idea of writing that post came to me when I read the news of Intel offering $10K for Dr.Moore’s paper published in Electronics Magazine 40 years ago.

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28 Dec   2005

Happy Holidays

Another year comes to an end