

Vacation on the horizon


A description of cover image.

Yes I am going to take vacations! It has been a while (after May 2005)

when we went out from our current address in Paris. In our standard of

travelling it is a record for good or bad…that can’t be said. May be

it is the effect of **Chateau, Bateau, Gateau.**We would love to visit

some country-side or mountains now. But, unfortunately Pamela is not at

all interested for any ski-trip as she is complaining about the Paris

cold all the time. So no trip in Europe for now.

Well, this vacation I am cheering but may be it will be just like

another trip to India where my days are more hectic with relatives and

long journeys and at the end I question myself was it a vacation or my

social duties.

For sure I am going to travel a lot as I will start my trip of India

with Delhi and ending the same in Bombay. In between I am going to stop

at Siliguri, Calcutta & Durg for sure. I am adding this map with

pointers to give an idea.

6 Mar   2006

Tujh bin….


5 Feb   2006

French classes came to an end
