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A Month in the Hustle and Bustle

A description of cover image.

It has been almost a month since we last posted anything on the blog. It’s not that life is boring or lacking in events to share with you. Rather, it’s the scarcity of time for ourselves, where we can sit and relax—a luxury that now feels distant.

Our day kicks off quite early, around 6:30. Pamela rises and prepares breakfast for Aarush, affording me some extra sleep if Aarush permits. By 7:30, when Aarush is fully awake, I need to kick-start my day. I try my best to feed him every morning, but there are days when he insists on Pamela’s presence.

After the breakfast part, it’s my turn to entertain Aarush while Pamela finishes cooking. Simultaneously, I attend to my personal morning routines. During this time, I keep a vigilant eye on Aarush, who is highly unpredictable, and things happen in the blink of an eye. Aarush now crawls with speed and stands up as soon as he finds anything to hold onto. Although he hasn’t mastered the technique of sitting back down from a standing position, we pick him up and start laughing loudly, causing enough confusion for him. This usually takes away any fear or tears from his face, and he forgets about the incident within the next 5 minutes.

Today, we bid farewell to our faithful blue vase, as Aarush was quicker than Pamela. This vase held special significance for us, as it was one of the first purchases we made as a couple in the winter of 2002, bought from Wal-Mart.

In the morniing, 8:30 or 9ish Pamela finishes cooking while I am still at home. After that I head off to work and her demanding day only gets more demanding after 2-3 hours.

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